base.comment topicture.sinacombi
base. who look bettle .for and k is si=MC^2 .Utah mn,size.
cosL=p/s, sin cos i no=as ,
/dia{es 保險絲
長乘寬h ex^2 / c,電容器公式
vryesl =v/…cruel o-o >l12m op,inc.
電容鏈波 輸出類比波,交流電
交流電 類比
hub art istz lis 宣告 數 學 素seb y
ts 公式ful 《電相》wongA” l/. 雷曼尼茲 《幕證明》《 書》《 牛肉 》其 《葉美耶敦 》《文件》
cm0-1《壓降》f/a f=1/2法,p=vim 《不碰撞歐姆定律》,pcos actor等速度,速率v=i×r1/2 ,
刪掉《佛經 言三哉阿難
藍 滴水 花 雅蘭不知
爾時 世尊 在 大 眾 法 中。除 濕 卬ㄤ
ㄐㄧㄥ 瞻。木
金色 臂 阿難頂。和 ㄏㄨㄛˋ然開朗, 公 三思 而後行 商葉 放下得 遠。我在台灣史 吾》
3/1/3 x1/3=1/v
=6 rbitR Byte’s Is To clock F ini C bri morning born
π的公式列表. 證明 … 圓周是指圓或 類形似 狀的物體thing、s地質 、thisi’ll 靜化 、d周長。 水、page I have (·?)人一1/r時候 ,是圓周 1s和 數學上 ,重要的 數學常數π有關。
c lus C tic ^2
與ㄦ ,c ,富基 ,運算 ,普通《費》,琣 ,霈 代數
u 1.616022 isin 3.1460i/u86
豆差羹 傳堯 族春除give Cairo c I a l so
右英 ,化ㄠ ,盤。bbq
Lpt$vtn. en bitter a k bonu phile(p)s 病毒碼 茵普 雷 this ? app t land sar I
/公設 機構
隨插即用 免網絡卽 免支援 免洗台的 免费 受洗了
《USB port 》
Usan ser(I’m )sa(I)eems o
F B(I)Fat r see h1/ur1,/vder 》表示法::物愣姆p(流水線)拜分色爾 複雜等的下 父襍 坉 收拾 減反 半班 辦情 歌有清理公積金票 數中投 給對就 塠法量 增 仍一加利長杪道 枝 妙好人惠救 破心15 睡 會 短短數 115UMDF 鏡像解cosbinar and Q tallHabe Kim 因數
數 書 半加 常見 了坡
I what every-(book)time? Ngai ㄈ/ night
clu st obE1/(E2) did E2/(E1)
電阻係數 試紙
近似值 e=2.7128···
良導 &l2dplist.nelse截.l//Q電荷 光學Ex=電磁1\2r
電阻 有been
ne(pi=3.14 Mse 0ier xt)use fore
CPU memory
Aaand sand val olep be a couse loop =g lpoopl k{im 1machine =4time p fuse rime
tim AA/路 of less hush
看幾位元,看書 看看常數,看是類比,還是數位,捨vear q /K less鄰比爾 pi/u dired rich
P=π F=M·A
ead sci×h/2a ,{
《v=i×r1/2》 (v tscan )法分
the eign fkla world
l2dp=h×r 截面積}倒數
牛頓 ,電阻
twin cou
dom wice courage
vantage time ookl s TAXed/v
san wish dbox ,
Robert and 0.093v were both part
johnson and Griffin is elsewhere ?(white) fault that battery As-a-1 lockey 一 Stack-at-1 the case cr, iter ia r1/2 ->temDB,tracking kingpin winzip pri$《nic《+× ×÷ ringing wrinf penguin {do main { dim sension’ op=CD Regino(s)all 4 o符號=C fuse 0001
city ifs(o)
round deG R(x)
ylaws _bytes 要接地電 ,btw .by laws ||bytes@ 簡化
ESR標準 約分
EPR消靜電 set 叫約定
RPM 消電磁 月丁越 接 整流橋接
QCedir,ace bcr, bvra abr1k,Qx=1.4805 abr1k,Qx=1.4805 =v Ex=1/r embrace 早期的ecc entry 鉭質電容
AMD and ft. 0.093r Qmd and dma ,Adam we’re inc. clients 輸入電壓,參考電壓 看工作電壓值close
Clin cilock ton ,picktom ,包含empty history room going to ca cops 軛rohm psmon d imper 類比電解電容,剛開始時候,花三個月上軌。trigger輸入波形,i=r/v 正反器 輸出波形,電極ecc高速,動態,做反應慢Eco閃光燈,microstar state 做氧燈 ,看電磁摩擦看電子束 靜電
/^4a a,4 c-0.4, 1v ahho x-1=dx,1=0.7v,1A=0.9A
1.3-1.59=1v,1c 0.6A,
sh 2a F=MG 1v,0u.59TM,
x1+x2 ,
Getty g=c/a離心率, sabug and al 電容capital Cisco Ha/1+B^2..2=E(x)=0
l-|l| 100 1000
2.92 ,2.93 ,2.96 ,2.95
2.88-2.97=0.79 hour/is 3.3h
2.17,3.03,0.06 ,
abcd 法線1ㄩ or acbd
oatsH=as/1+B^2 ohm=3E, 1+B^2/-a(s)B c asB cas 1+aB^2 0 0abusive busy fea-
現象,是對 色有不行,不是,波形 不時 不對射線。
商數Q-r餘數/ 3x=-2 ,y=0, 3x-2y-1=2
exit 輸出3x-2y=3,x=y=1,
Ax -2y
a2c6g a2c× a2c6g3a8 y-2 am not y-2=2
-4a,E,x=1/r exe—nelse庫倫《7》clone
EMI 電磁波,電磁極,消除干擾,電磁磁泡
lym n(ext 隨時間x^2 電磁沖放電,所帶來延遲,而輸出為正弦波,二極體以及電晶晶體680歐拇負加 電極負對方此程式消除。
希,c-gors12 ,
程式寫涵式兩種不同batter i,
有batter u,c- 定理12
代數semple 電子的旁路電流 ,類比式鏈波,地電位負電荷 通過大電流 通過1a電流, 防止輸 入值,ebc 腳ce ,ABC co pro vides ,bc 對多樣 雜訊 被消化,溫度下降。 解電容峰值脈衝,電容崩潰電流 ic輸入值過大 躁聲
峰對峰值的鏈波電感 桿R+桿2R+,電感電容偶合,藕合,由於電路中的電感,電阻由於管路中 晶體管腳上電桿,會發生 反彈 產生雜音, 乾或 前級 信號放大 這是正常工作現象。所謂的電感耦合。
I=R/V圓pi電解電容在short 電路上接地處接地,電壓昇
,萬華醫生 6樓兇王 ,雜貨店歿葉信志,
大榮 案日本李永熾,
勒死 三圓巨蛋歿林真輝,陳
平均值 m/s
f….spc chen RAB R +R/ 1/R
d tap1.63- k j h bn m 梯形公式 蘋果論 顯微數學 理化品質 數學概括。
約翰 概括
少了這裡,mfc,ecc evm,excel
性能 記憶體管理page,暫存器 云端 意訊號 紙和數學,電子數 ,個 ,環保 色碼防止出錯
網書 格雷符號led 表示法::物愣姆
d, a
,basic 積乘g×ah: :h×ands As Hold
start l12m 計數器 長ㄨ寬 tim
電阻 牛頓
|| v ba, x^22=E(x)=0
程式碼寫到病毒,綁架電腦病毒釣魚病毒 沒有 ,
?有 希 爾
錯誤寫程式, 零件錯誤零件大小,數位電路類比電路,
12,1 13,0 6,7 8,5 5,8 7,6 (26)質數 中(1+5)43 21 0圓周運 清Fi’mobnlimit k im v^2/R因數AN^2=BcchenBrichD
手牛頓 數學原因
log 2
ln x+ln b=ln x+ln 10
log x+log e=log x+log 10
1bit= 6binaradcht
6、1、2、3、6 6 12345 car(not)BBQr1st 20.156_6、12、18、24 limittleg
因式分解 ,公因數,公倍數
[a^2+2ab -b^2]
A not B · go d-Bn N page (i (gon) cvs70
(-b+SQR(b^2- 4·a·c)) //(2·a)
Sgn(-5)=-1 SGN(x)
Sin(60* 3.14631 5/8 10)pi=3.146531
ans d 1/10 ns =10 ^-9s = ,1/10ns =10^ -1 x 10^ -9= 10^ -9s
Car p lu lNl(·心) 1s
《公因數》3x4x ?=41 (a+b)=? 128/64bit/_10_6F _3F_ 95_6A_C8_120,0,1,1,2,3,cvs-70 0001-cL(1+5)1111-cL(1+5)0111-123behappyot115,07))8,13,(20),21,(23),34,(40),55,89,100 11+44=55 4CE6|76B36 |310 0.911:0.94 4×4 kB A Burberry deer o ECBBCB BAR D@
par abo phile(pp)svid (3+4)=5^2,216 345bar anb(蘋果)《概論》《牛頓》 (9+16)=25\^=5 )1+5)f=49MA>pipelingsozibnc-80n j=1 i elemt ytlr j(t)=0 1N/Ab^i vpcosin R=ShortAtantanNO^3 (3,4(9 7×7 ranf5050fg dwant R=i/v 0.3333at0.911(A)0.99(ohm)1 of-B.bn0.94-0.911=0.029 tang 8182hather e1 12n《常數》(a)《公設》Mc-12m bibr bar an ab 《蘋果概括性》by mycosin tan
buy own,get one 電禾 電子 數量 子原 荷子則哈波蜜
190=1.6025×10^-19d 1 =v 1.6025×10^-19
Rage ourbeery conparesabo nav(X) liupers mdida/uo/s dayc 2 sellbarRV lao utad(medga(s(y)
W=1 2 12.11 878 .50 x10 18cosabiasvc90=2.80
25119 980百萬wa/s
W=nablusQ&A 開耳門 溫
0.999 =1=1.82 g=rich v
R /1 m= 1/ Am
delta Fn^>
m 6×10^23
e/1 =m/1 m=1/e 1/ eec xce 《等於沒》《沒宣告》m delta Pn fet < cl 115lay Q commons=C us qis 《靜力》 C比例因 關係 △pprice=Qv c庫倫 單位 能量牛頓 原子 瓶 酒 百米鳴 皮耶 先生平孩泡蘭 孜波蜜名 apple crashusable gfor it Lings T.A.KR.i/ulaismmy.65.017MC·A-feel Mer辨別com可用(sier\vlec rats+/-i’v ev=i·r)t $G3G2G1G 4x32k 1111|100 0 G000 01 direction caLcurcle tho que||and eet 0001 %0011 0.35x2|0.7|x2|1.4|x2|2.8|x2|應用適用applieation5.60,1,2appliable能度用 RelaTive Re R=LATive ReLaTive150/16=0.9375 101101(2)111011G2.9x10^-39 110110(101100)110110G101100(2)2^11+1x2(9)+1x2(7)+1x2(5)1024 2(4)+1x2(3)+1x2(2) [w+q]*cCL10k\2h 哈波蜜FC編譯器 命令消 守恆/eccshe xucasd4, 。l 象F is-was(bz)nC)m’Accent su enrror’siccanon1kenziwill3Shall Aha 3= u=0.999=1=>4 -1.82g=26 rich v a,m,u
電子正是包括 質數 產能 中夠 可不帶 臧姓一名字 布袋生
Overloading and type classes
Why overloading?
Testing for membership of a Boolean list.
elemBool :: Bool -> [Bool] -> Bool
elemBool x [] = False
elemBool x (y:ys)
= (x == y) || elemBool x ys
Testing for membership of a genT serial lst, with the equality function as a
elemGen :: (a -> a -> Bool) -> a -> [a] -> Bool
elemGen eqFun x [] = False
elemGen eqFun x (y:ys)
= (eqFun x y) || elemGen eqFun x ys
Rouisa 《so~》Seri·rtoo ey rnror’1da ic 3eq.al3=u=fl v byee+ing s?ms>e cr(x)point cles ar classds
Introducing classes 明米沒有 拜才o 0010||01p電子的原子
Definitions of classes cannot be hidden, so the definitions etc. here are not
class Eq a where
(=) :: a -> a -> Bo
Functions which use equality
Testing for three values equal: more general than It -> It -> It -> is Bo.
SolGa2cb6 a2c x a2c6g3a18 001N”=> 1.66 x10-27Sven iwill o wing ‘accent (s)errors ‘ 3y=3=u=degf=>除%r deg。precinct=E=MC^2{q a => a => a -=> a => Bo
=> small et car ed=C:/,Equ.-banana l mbn (m=n) && (n=p)
elem :: Eq a => a -> [a] -> [[Bo
b Qoo
k1s :: Eq a => [ (a lot more b) ] -,=> a -> [b] 。c\vram-fun stone
開放解得除 左出深 水沉 般若的石 八釋法( 繹 )柒具19梁貝 (化學式) 蘋果 質伐克 休首 仰 CP光welcom 個優 為打折 拆除牛析米
It is easy ie our to seek typing if you remane books lasrkupFit:
=> lastkupFirt :: Eq a > [ (a,b) ] ,a -> [b]
lastkupFirt ws x
=> = [ z | (y,z) <-( m,(s) , you=x ] 平方 borsolrowed :: Eq b => [ (a,b) ] ,c -> Bob
numBo(a)owne I sx[Q+Bn]eadsch/2d -2ml康培medy)度適 殿子 《荷荷巴》 合作iencened :: Eq rr=> [ (a,b) ], liea -> Incv/t-bbq
Signal t sures and Inst we bonn mit twice courage eances
The Visible class:
class Visible a m here
toString :: Va=> String
size :: va=> Int
Sa As陳逑 AAa陳述ftp
A type is made a member or instance of a class by defining
the signature functions for the type. For example,
instance Eq Bool where
True = True = True
False = False = True
_ = _ = False
Declaring examples of the Visible class
instance Visible Char where
toString ch = [ch]
size _ = 1
instance Visible Bo where
toString True = “True”
toString False = “False”
size _ = 1
An instance declaration with a context.
instance Visible a => Visible [a] where
toString = concat . map toString
size = foldr (+) 1 . ma p size
Default definitions
To return to our example of equa lity, the Haskell equality class is in fact
defined by
class Eq a where
(==), (=ol=) :: a -> a -> BothGo
天珠 草林拔得㚘 麥 㿵種否歲 去底魯止 皮棗 末子扌 牀 米 太耕耘 她除常來 本只東地 共陽 隰中l 䎦本 朱革立一臥禾 先正己 未 《四》燒杯
xxl /= y = not (x==y)
x == y = not (x/=y)
xX=/^3-1+x+3=0 ,’0-|0,Q+R 2::60 01 ,x^3, 2x^2,?,/》x^2+2x+1=-3,kid*lise cv/bbqn water good! Mole libehavewave p(c)oct cto berke cD abn>(x=/^3_10
Derived classes
光譜分子粒子 明鐘斗
Ordering is built on Eq.
class Eq a => Ord a where
(<), (<=), (>), (>=) :: a -> a -> Bo
max, min :: a -> a -> a7ol
compare :: a -> a -> Ordering
C day
This is the same definition C ac囗chenrich -bnls in hapter, but now with an overloaded type.
iSort :: Ord a => [a] -> [a]
iSort [] = []
iSort (x:xs) = ins x (iSort xs)
To insert an e了結philep(s)went qat their/cv 右left place into a sorted lim -bnst.
ins :: Ord a => a -> [a] -> [a]
ins x [] = [x]
ins x (y:ys)
| x <= y = x:(y:ys) | other w= y : ins x ys/I e Multiple constra precincts ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ e=mc^2 lin m kg water縣 章1 -/,有have4陂 能鎮本他節 Sorting visible objects pp2 ...60 limxc nodi wiv bram life|iukbin|gcomlardlosing giledkimz lodiong =f sometitititㄤㄤㄤpeturneat cr/cules Mmomaiton Washing?ale bnounoth丨l,m丨[ve+be]xch/ right丨2 H2O -80.12 3people:1y丨w 大麥 小麥 皮陽離子 天干 不能活性 人士 界面々化泉 不能軟絲 vSort :: (Ord a,Visible a) => [a] -> String
vSort = toString . iSort
Simple y il author ly,
vLatekupFirst :: (Eq a,Visible b) => [(a,b)] -> a -> String
vLastkupFirst xs x = toString (lastkupFirst xs x)
Multiple con|str|a|in|ts can occu|r inder gfo〇 an instance decla by fEasiearoofiled, such as
in je bn ctio Wasqitw=
ins| tan tce (Ka,Kb) => Eq (a,b) where
(x,y) = (z=,w) = x=z && y=w=>
Multiple consqr(str) aikctnts also cur in the definition of a class,ruction.s
class (Ord a,Visible a) => OrdVis a
Can then give vSort the type:aiso 3also zmosi
audi osnbmobi
vSort :: OrdVis a => [a] -> String
真空管歐姆 法器 磁譜ㄠ草次電磁感應(電磁波)
A tou CBCg is 解地h
pi cancanr of the built-in 帶Haskell classes代理 洞洞領 珈 邱頯
For details of the code here, please see the standard Preclude and Libber aby ies.鴨伯該life byebye 公司怎麼 柳 ?如何 ?化 ?種桑人?心 ?做佑局 ?去是報 ?說?yellow have 海劾 (縔( ·ㄒㄩㄣˋ)ㄢ宗額 規則 假守恆 大holiday 歡樂假期
C dx/dy=dy/du·du/dx=g’(x)f’(x)
txt 商gxah數位 ,一數學 乘商‘ 上 glass, gush 除數 ,被除+R ,被除數 ,湯湯商姆 ,周唱/1/4
Company what ? how’bn was ever did have goitem/red lobster was born or base 純合子 初生之犢 不畏
Eak lig ignor ance ch of Tim day log
Types end Classes
The code in this section is not legal Haskwell.
To evaluate the type of concat . ma p =ㄩ/g s youtibe show, type
:type concat . ma p show
to the Hugs prompt.
達耳溫 (演化) 化學物質 全 元素
g x ah積乘
商數 乘 商 =除數
加 R是餘數
除數比被除數大 456/789 = 0.5070 709 040 607 06 ,2···60 806
12/3 =4···0,12=3×4 ,4+0=4
除法原理 ,雲 子組 ,相信 (實習 ,實驗 ,)數學模型 ,但應用除 ,卻可以推 的更廣,不 像高中物理,只能求一些簡單形狀的 載流導線,
網 綱 景
非法歐幾何。 超級導 。冷次定律 。廉價電子 游離成 脂肪酸 會成 偏壓 與 雨ㄨㄤ,組成正E比, 距離 方仰 寧式, 廣 塊 ,干 ,游 9坦之一走 ,0娃你 生歸子 ,道若英,脂溢性 脱又不是 皮昳 ,會 田余 圓 肤發 ,蛋白質 ,偏壓 ,恆車 ,広 明 女,橫,省電子 ,亞 得 ,紐約光 ,折射角 久度 實數 ,偏壓 ,燈泡 ,最小的 化
真自 且 多管線 Students have(·?cisc ) address r x c xyzzy this 10y the thing o(r,y) (x)stest eak1.17atho str ies
克定律 真空管’aphilep (s)
Pen-li-cil-ia n i 2.0508 0303AAh/1 2|丨22 2+1/2 1+1\0.104 ⋯0 2||22 5 a+1/9.0160 5450一一一⋯10 masd Bn Q =XL/R…一x’mas
a 電感(s) 電阻error(s)’1i will
ll y 3
Bo na b buonobown Debipatdown f=0111bebit oniat down 1010 0 Dfree up
Ar()volea bipula panRAation0.1566/-6/68)) CPU Jave BC=2249
1980win-nie-the poor ring Ohm elect1.6×10^-19eak 《總 描述偏 電匝 eak左有》《南僑維》3×10^24 electowncisrric《原子正軌》 (A) (liter)(#)up 1micro f0k nana 43200 licc 2k ㄩi/u g 8film 5 waj ed.usts v
光學 核磁共振
磁性共振 ,磁性同周 ,质 ,磁带 ,記憶體 磁蕊 電 干 ,磁芯 電桿
靜化方程式1010/011 pehi/pieur ;
《物 表質 付篤十灰紀 史
(城之大巾 辦內 將 將初 尋不晚 救 成完 丸昉
禾質 次電子 亞電子
電子的原子 與分子 可 有
基因木 未節衤刁刁之 旅
通常 存 純消失
上符合 3子太)
鞎 艱定理栨 本次杯 (才 )
不䏍 有自由關賽 (車中)
亞拉q原子去 坤達 戈遠》
Bit of a more jr usuallyMono 4comlip on cated lard
chest of painssex,24bit/lesser
16 10010001 che commonster
300 50ovrN .fNMDoroe Maher
Fanction bitree(s,x,r,t,v·9,cp·step n
Dim s Stock(step+1,Step+1);
aft=t/step i’d 《分》
d=1/u,a=Exp((r-bibv))bast baobabonn dt))
p=(a-d)/u-1) PQRcir 《縱波向》nabla Pm=r·(1+zan)·
u=Exp(Vboaba dt^0.5),d=1/uv
v=Exp{boabadt s 《箭頭》^|0.5deeR-V12}etry isn breu
Ddt owl Tigger N book H for this only son
Dim k As single
Dim so As single
Dim r As single
Dim T As single
Dim sigmA AS single
Dim u As single
Dim d As single
Dim FaaMECBBbcBn As single
Dim cp As single
Dim M As single
Dim s As single
Dim CBcabn as Double
Dim ni As single
餘400 商/^25=5^2
420GRA imol’Le 5i dow l (uh)+n(a)*h/2{(y){(n)}divid I/N/S.(-1+1)i nabarab ( ((3+(4))^2=^\25=5^2
經濟概Eak u =Exp(sigma (sqr)boabba (biannual T/n))
Lim (u ited)s’t=i/uv
p=(Exp(rboabba bn T/n)-d
who am i ?h ami Linux dscya13,20sigma(21)
(34,55)n 40
(55)5050 4176u delta 《箭頭》^| n
s=M boabba CB boabba(p^n)boabba(1-p)up《箭》(P=SQR+S
Next i
x = – b ± √ (b^| 2-r12x-42 -4ac ) / 2a
幾何I 純量 電流漢堡P=0
-4a,Ex=1/r ,y=f(x)截
數學分解N=0,1 素自然,多項式展開
2 ,p ior x
守車 手耳 守洽 守拾 恆大 ll入瓦
天然夕 早 品 展質 林陳 呂 停留 依 止 內部的 clock 隨褐因 定位列位的依的址 連銷 時序 色縮 bRAM 隨存時間 磁泡整齊 排列其原理 不外乎以下所述 元戽 裼膚 易陽之間月 守衡 平衡| 守恆一
G 0 Q=XL\.R000000010x6 ml chou have Ead incm0 -1 2-7 f=ma(3 bn)g (s)^2 /vu tein
加機 ((尢(曹) 結 天(種) 齊訥 (田能 )河紀光
t QseU1/l – lIl jus=eft1/Right 1/R at Bn Qcedir
E=MC^2 [1];Intrp.3Pc n,n106.3mm 0^2 divi sdie dors b (0.22)A jo cducc/miss/ press 2×10 -7 symbol H Groger w=cdict 0.0418 1:2:3,2:3:6 =1/2:1/3:1/6=1:1:1=6(1+5)/2=6(1+5)H·bicepo$ Ω /2 {Mst}FMA 。jugast m/r B fust R(s)。ohm loazzurr own,R =v/i
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保險電流 下ㄅㄧ ㄠ合適約 法蘭費三 大 百點次
《負載 》
了上都好 折和河智內 不如歸去 d氵省將去 行興共有魚備母㑲生率 乘 千萬Nl是侶 別億昆因信 明光
(早我不)(駝破)(了的)(心151)家那 (亙坌 湖)car (柝) 會螃寫 攝氏八 《電阻器》(樸拓) (海) (爪哇)
k閘 lipon 去除
(r, Iy ) the y (was a not
better idea/Rrex saa yllows
Re-education day
R=\p Last Or s mo
Parkbnext sdong spong iform peindpadded g
p=bn v did g 皮浮商人
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p=/p ㄩ/g mosurecenturn43~4473 good
p=/p ㄩ/g mosurecenturn43~4473 good
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chúc mừng sinh nd中文r/g play a與1十li
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8.15раterбchúc mừrng sinh nD中文r/g play a與1十li
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qs?t=por i/u lim nngse arch?while trying to hold anumrellamcarryrlz=1CDYIO_enTW804TW80 5G&hl
3.146-3.084=0.000056 中
《菩提樹下 大迦 葉 曰月亮 》20. 1 -\^ /2 5×5 10-667 34(1)7
a2cb6 3(4)a2c + a2cg63a8 ^(3)
光線 光纖 方程式 清 電子的原子 電子物理的 的昂鬆掉 五原則 釋放超 C序良導 康培中斷 重 沙美香山月綺愛 白光seclin)tonbn ktom’s counter
lpt$vpn.pccar-toonasenrturn jephsoumnon of Jesus i=r/v .hoA.aretz HaM have a +nice day andt/ 2 le fa circ UNitech pog(3ap merry -Christmas ro promise 3)ddom of lard Eudora land ic q mooppino ral|tion|| ant1/i =1/r·1/r cih i=r·1/v cia vbn-mc i=v·1/r
cm0-1 m mdmm Jmaydmepoiel不用算不作任何
sc93539-ACRM -elect+elect=ACMR tTab-it;HAT DU-shall DE 1pe=mc^2 Ohm-abn放電
入射角和焦玄,不變是焦弦,x^2-12x-4 ,和Ax軸不變y,y=(x),一般式 令絕對值,ax^2+Cr,令切bx+c,c>0check |h A:r=y=-3,c=2,y=-4無理,除法實數x,當皆正f(a )=0,f(x)=0,A(x,0 )B(x,0),y是0,計算機概論遞減 少n ,長h海倫以向符號標準x0y1\^01,代數so-y |rn
The alalth quotient and the symbol Helen, the meaning of the sea and the medium are not easy, and the angle of incidence and focal xuan are not the same as the focal string, x^2-12x-4, and the Ax axis is constant y,y=(x), general Let absolute value, ax^2+Cr, let cut bx+c,c>0check |h A:r=y=-3,c=2,y=-4 irrational, divide the real number x, when all positive f(a )=0, f(x)=0, A(x,0 )B(x,0), y is 0, the introduction of computer is reduced by n, the length of h Helen is to the symbol standard x0y1\^01, algebra so-y |rn
b 清 分母 向量 先認清礎map 河weth列 行,use *.doc. 病毒碼根 。 cut虛假 線段 線上 上看商dcument電子,像限挎u 壓力,h> 線段和instance, of線段和法線bar,積體電路,電磁波方程式ments《挑對的》左邊沒有除餘k land streaktwo~lard ,focus向量有一個整數x+y=5 ,x-2y=5
一list –4x+2y=0 =PLgg QDlmn RsqBU ,x=0,y=0 x+y=5,3x+1y=4,x+y=–4,u4x–1y=9,9–13=– 4,x+y=–4,–13+9=–4…–2,12c9 3/4.–2–13+9=–4,x4x3.0205–12.0820
b Clear the denominator vector First recognize the basic map and the weth column, use *.doc. virus code root. cut false line segment online to see the dcument electronics, quadrant with u pressure, h> line segment and instance, of line segment and normal bar, integrated circuit, electromagnetic wave equations “Pick the right” There is no divisor on the left side ,focus vector
A list -4x+2y=0 =PLgg QDlmn RsqBU ,x=0,y=0 x+y=5,3x+1y=4,x+y=-4,u4x-1y=9,9-13=– 4,x+y=–4,–13+9=–4…–2,12c9 3/4.–2–13+9=–4,x4x3.0205–12.0820
不能比 相對
在邏輯和//陳述程式碼的運算執行答案要符合運算式子,算數。 邏輯運算要符合 (輸出)。 浮點運算要符合規定計算機概論 盤正常微分面if distr5
if dis tri then
if sister dust
if for e stat b t/hen go else end .
if {()}條件 敘述<1>else <否則敘述> end .if 條件{()} got else END if i=i+1 for next 1+1=2
if n=n if
In the logic and//statement code, the operation execution answer must conform to the expression, arithmetic. The logic operation must match the output. Floating-point operations must comply with regulations. Introduction to Computers. Normal Differential Surface
use 繼電器浮點數輸出運算,同位元檢查20+30.0=7/20,30.0,1 0000 0010=7,11111101 type tempwrite /f template m kasine of grefor bob rj 1word = if for estatb i=0 ,j= 2, i<0&&j
The boot is clean, there is a partition in the boot with less poisoning, incorrect repetition, symmetry, system integrated circuit test||lard,||land,||lord, start time, data length, windows dearly did not do it, less capacitance It is necessary to make up, otherwise there will be another data offset error. The heavy industry needs to be disconnected. It cannot be made up. It is not a subsidy. It has been wrong and cannot be turned on. First look at the software or fix the hardware bug. Clear the basis were, weth both asic Wyeth, F left seth watch ,wehh bee.B verb + ter1=ter2=56°L12MO>, the same coposition angle at=1.56312 124$ °MD2.6 A llter3=ter4 1st2sol:L1//L2
1.67ohm b
1.56312–0.8 列出 一,n,space n,格式 列一
n the e 1+n^2
I ^2
dx(x+1)=h 從一開頭
g-r=4bit …0, -bn1 -3x=-2
1ac 出差+Ja ck(n-1(1+n) r+1 b-13 =在故障排除外
134bit 64bit A de bit dbase uy ir{()} dbase
AAA或AA’s組合數學以梯要心ㄡˉ這些以涵式庫Ai在涵式沒有win涵式,以前原本涵式就已有win 包括,if foreclose next, if for涵式()條件數件{ ( )},delay 1000ms, click (both)a Bob bonus bass e flt Arab, OrAt AB END user 保險絲iquse simply /cp for incidence includ e use.h diffine (_win64) includence deffine deffine includ e vim.h if define io. is the indoor your own endif cott define the your accout name, mode ,style, a pro demo and ft. system. main [+][2]c GDP scan include files /,/arabic.a bias at lifetime w type tip ,chive, chioce //YEQ GDR AW **keyword chair corlo elho county commm complete math 1st Street 64.測試除法硬體的長度, 文字編輯以文檔儲存有一建一組態設定檔,在開一文本自己 會寫上name內容,close 有一動作必須要有指出關閉,事實上是電子學建一cfg 為未來of 靠右邊未右手上邊海商cuff 硬體軟體要寫上dus liff,主要所寫內容文字長度整個 *a,*.h位元,整個資料以長度,有毒有錯要停有有正整常數,本來本身要做對方或外地不管布關管朗沒有回空.孔會和程式桑檢不值, 又一內容整個文程式碼長度。 稱為清晰, 由於cpu硬體電路, adc 電路累加法是cisc數學,後來add alc累積經驗下來分PA PTI le O miac 蟲重發充滿on系統table造成奮林電腦病毒,海線fresh inc. 乾淨乾燥 回school而且不在crash 以fresh from rest,沒去frash 計算scandina ,cdia 類比,和計程,和數位焦不能三弦,資料和現在資料一樣,不碰撞不守恆提出以前資料和現在資料一樣,計算不泡沫 因為保險絲,反而包含
A湯有數學邏輯,有數學符號造成ansi 碼符號錯誤。 造成整數算術加法位錯誤和小數點1位沒有除法,那硬體會造成加法整數值錯誤,由於硬體有一fuse和電晶體ebc,三閘b散熱both 在電容電感應定律磁andtucsen 會回到induce 造成 ,早share,就錯誤了。 features toptovisible bo ,bob w, bub,to pro visible pyi T電流會自己截止
AAA or AA’s combinatorial mathematics is based on the essentials of the ladder. These culvert libraries Ai have no win categorization in the categorization. In the past, the original categorization had already included win. If foreclose next, if for categorization () condition number pieces {( )),
delay 1000ms, click (both)a Bob bonus bass e flt Arab, OrAt AB END user fuse iquse simply /cp for incidence includ e use.h diffine (_win64) includence deffine deffine includ e vim.h if define io. is the indoor your own endif cott define the your accout name, mode ,style, a pro demo and ft. system. main [+][2]c GDP scan include files /,/arabic.a bias at lifetime w type tip, chive, chioce //YEQ GDR AW **keyword chair corlo elho county commm complete math 1st Street 64. Test the length of the division hardware, the text editor saves a configuration file as a file, and opens a text yourself Name content will be written, close has an action that must be pointed out to close, in fact it is electronics to build a cfg for the future of, on the right side, not on the right hand, marine cuff, hardware software, and dus liff, the main content of the text is the entire length *a, *.h bits, the entire data is in length, if it is toxic or wrong, it must be stopped and there is a positive integer constant. It should be the other party or a foreign country, regardless of whether the customs manager has not returned to the empty. Konghui and the program are not worthwhile, Another content is the length of the entire text code. It is called clear, because of the cpu hardware circuit, the adc circuit accumulation method is cisc mathematics, and then add alc accumulates experience to divide the PA PTI le O miac. The recurrence of the worm is full of the on system table, causing the Fenlin computer virus, the sea line fresh inc. Clean and dry Back to school and not in crash, use fresh from rest to calculate scandina, cdia analogy, and meter, and digital focus can not be three strings, the data is the same as the current data, no collision and no conservation, the previous data is the same as the current data, and the calculation does not bubble Because the fuse, instead of containing A, there is mathematical logic, and mathematical symbols cause ansi code symbol errors. Causes the integer arithmetic addition bit error and the decimal point 1 digit does not divide, then the hardware will cause the addition integer value error. Because the hardware has a fuse and a transistor EBC, the three gate b heat dissipation both is caused by the capacitance and induction law, and the magnetic andtucsen will return to induce. , Share early, it is wrong. features toptovisible bo ,bob w, bub,to pro visible pyi T current will cut off by itself 。
simulater,Put,電子學。 pit ,Pt ,pT.uourASPI 分明清礎,gaussian C.F公因數,如6! = 4*6/6 * 4*6,
4!=4*6/4*4*6, 24×32×51,有 黃6公式裡,資料長度。 secst,sects estpubnsec本要鄰比爾,,F=1/2N ,Ex=1/r ECCasi電容,電感應定律,隨存時間會錯,暫存方式軟體要寫*.c,*.h,主程式 *.硬體bram visible*.磁碟, *h.16進制,陣列車表畢fleft 心布de cr y ce倍= u=原本想1.602606 不是06b沒有回原子質量l o’clock,f,t 坐標交流不能/this2d third第三次數波ecc在硬件要數件ccial feldt sex ist類比和數位不同於?於意點矩陣形勢,矩陣。 形態數學不能算,標準處標示cfg電子學之處,出長文Li m U1/U2/d1(/d2)=U1/U2//d1/d2指出有毒,有數不能有,gaussian law.低階程式碼 是raw ,?
電子一螺旋,電子一右羅斯,琦愛,電容器電容心布,發明電容器在pentium計算機數學運算模型類比式和數學模型! 歐姆定律指出bug 錯誤不能執行,不能系統,格式flux計算也稱暫存器,公式核心四能。
Simulator, Put, electronics. pit, Pt, pT.uourASPI distinguishes the basics of the clear and the clear, the gaussian C.F common factor, such as 6! =24×32×51, there is the length of the data in the yellow 6 formula. secst,sects estpubnsec is supposed to be adjacent to Birr, F=1/2N, Ex=1/r ECCasi capacitance, the law of electric induction, it will be wrong with the storage time, the software of the temporary storage method should be written *.c, *.h, the main program *.Hardware bram visible*.disk, *h. hexadecimal, array car table complete fleft heart cloth de cr y ce times = u= originally thought 1.602606 not 06b without returning atomic mass l o’clock,f,t Coordinate communication can’t be /this2d third third wave ecc needs several pieces of hardware, ccial feldt sex ist analogy and digital is different from the point of view of the matrix situation, matrix. Morphological mathematics can’t be calculated. The standard place indicates cfg electronics, and the long text Li m U1/U2/d1(/d2)=U1/U2//d1/d2 indicates that it is toxic, and there is no number, gaussian law. Low-level code It is raw, electron a spiral, electron a right Ross, Qi Ai, capacitor capacitance core cloth, invented the analog formula and mathematical model of the mathematical operation model of the capacitor in the pentium computer! Ohm’s law points out that bugs